The Electric Feminine

A Look at What Inspired Season 3

Anjua Season 3 Episode 1

In this episode, host Anjua Maximo sits down with Rizpah Estelle Waytes, her co-producer of The Electric Feminine. 

It was during a planning meeting a few months ago when they both seemed to have realized there was an opportunity to really open up and clarify that The Electric Feminine is for anyone identifying as a woman. 

Anjua and Riz came to the easy conclusion that inviting voices from the LGBTQ+ community was the missing ingredient.  In addition to wanting to help us and our listeners expand our concept of embodying the divine feminine, this season the show will feature a men's sexuality coach. The concept of men needing sexuality coaching to create a healthy connection to their divine masculine and feminine was something we knew would be interesting.  

Season 3 is going to be juicy, so be sure to tune into all the episodes to not miss out!
And as always, thank you for listening

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Ways to work with Anjua:
Pure Mvmnt Immersion ONLINE
Electric Life Coaching